After an undetermined cataclysmic event, Dawn finds herself isolated and growing increasingly sick as her medicine diminishes and her body weakens. As she is nearing her end, she is haunted by a promise made to a departed friend. She must journey outside her home for the last time to fulfill that promise and find peace.
An atmospheric exploration of the effects of total isolation, the film, shot on 35mm, is without dialogue and relies heavily on sound and imagery to take us through our character's deteriorating mental and physical state as she deals with loss, loneliness, and the fragility of the human experience.
Directors: Nona Catusanu, Liza Gipsova, Katherine Castro
Starring: Nicolle Marquez
Color by: Adrian Delude, Company 3
Brooklyn Women’s Film Festival 2021: Best Cinematography
Revolution Me Film Festival 2021: Best Cinematography
Revolution Me Film Festival 2021: Best Sound Design
The Philip K. Dick Science Fiction Film Festival 2021: Finalist